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Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA) recognizes that Forensic Genetic Genealogy (FGG) can be a powerful investigative tool for resolving violent crimes. By combining traditional genealogy research methods with forensic DNA analysis, law enforcement can develop investigative leads that may assist in identifying an unknown perpetrator or an unidentified victim of...
This revised and updated, 2024 edition guide for death scene investigators is the result of a collaborative effort to present the most current information about issues confronting medicolegal death investigators (MDIs) and reflects changes and advances in communication, photography, and documentation technology, as well as procedural advances in drug and...
Sometimes forensic labs can find ample DNA in the evidence collected at a crime scene. Other times, investigators are not as fortunate. Evidence samples with low amounts of DNA may not yield a profile that investigators can use to match or exclude potential suspects. Researchers have a potential solution: direct...
This report provides data on the workloads, staffing, resources, policies, procedures, and budgets of the 326 standalone forensic laboratories and multi-laboratory systems in 2020 .
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This document specifies the core competencies and other standards of quality and education for accredited forensic pathology graduate medical education programs.
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The National Association of Medical Examiners (NAME) Inspection and Accreditation (I&A) Program has the explicit purpose of improving the quality of the forensic/medicolegal investigation of death. The accreditation standards emphasize policies and procedures, not professional work product. The accreditation standards represent minimum standards for an adequate medicolegal death investigation system...
Project FORESIGHT is a business-guided self-evaluation of forensic science laboratories across the globe. The participating laboratories represent local, regional, state, and national agencies. Economics, accounting, finance, and forensic faculty provide assistance, guidance, and analysis. Laboratories participating in Project FORESIGHT have developed standardized definitions for metrics to evaluate work processes, linking...
This study examined case factors associated with wrongful convictions classified by the National Registry of Exonerations .
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October 2022
Publications,Sexual Assault Kit Initiative Training and Technical Assistance Program
The application of forensic genetic genealogy (FGG) has technological limitations and will not resolve every case. By taking the time to thoroughly evaluate cases and associated evidence with both local crime laboratory representatives and FGG vendor laboratory representatives, law enforcement investigators can greatly increase the chances of attaining successful case...
The Human Forensic DNA Analysis Process Map is intended to be used to help improve efficiencies while reducing errors, highlight gaps where further research or standardization would be beneficial, and assist with training new examiners. It may also be used to develop specific laboratory policies and identify best practices .
DNA forensic laboratories are at a crossroads. Faced with a rising demand for analysis and constrained by limited financial resources, laboratories must find new and innovative ways to reduce backlogs and increase productivity. The recommendations in this National Institute of Justice-produced guide, authored by experts in forensic science and laboratory...
This report provides data on the personnel, budget, workload, and policies of medical examiner and coroner offices in the United States. The report details the number and type of personnel employed, staff certification, and training. It includes the number of cases referred to and accepted by medical examiner and coroner...
December 2019
National Institute of Justice,Publications
This report, which was mandated by The Justice for All Reauthorization Act of 2016, details the results of a national needs assessment of forensic science service providers conducted in 2017 and 2018. The needs assessment focused on services provided by forensic laboratories, medical examiner and coroner offices, and other forensic...
The U.S. Justice Department's National Institute of Justice (NIJ) assembled and collaborated with the Cold Case Investigation Working Group (CCIWG) in developing this guide to assist law enforcement agencies in creating a mechanism for addressing the cold cases in their jurisdictions .
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Based on the discussions of seasoned prosecutors of violent crime who met in 2017 to examine how to improve the investigation of violent crimes, this paper reviews the various phases of an investigation and provides an overview of issues discussed, along with representative descriptions of the approaches used and challenges...
National Association of Medical Examiners (NAME) accreditation standards are embodied in the Inspection and Accreditation Checklist. This checklist provides a realistic assessment of the quality of a system's/office's operations. The questions within this checklist are used during an inspection to evaluate whether or not the system/office meets the NAME...
This article presents a review of erroneous convictions that involved forensic science which can help identify critical lessons for forensic scientists as they perform testing, interpret results, render conclusions, and testify in court .
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After reviewing the features and importance of the work of medical examiners and coroners (ME/C) offices in contributing data on the prevalence, causes, and manner of suspicious and violent deaths, this report promotes the accreditation and certification of ME/C offices and personnel, with attention to how federal departments and agencies...
In this report, the National Science and Technology Council's Fast-Track Action Committee on Strengthening the Medicolegal-Death-Investigation System (FTAC-SMDIS) presents recommendations for appropriate federal departments and agencies on how to address issues related to accessing and working with data produced by medical examiners and coroners (ME/C) .
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This handbook is a resource for laboratory directors, designers, consultants, and other stakeholders involved in the construction or major renovation of forensic science laboratories. Laboratory construction and renovation projects must meet the unique needs and requirements of the regional law enforcement and criminal justice community it serves. This document will...
The International Association of Coroners & Medical Examiners (IACME) developed this checklist to assist medical examiners/coroners track accreditation standards. Please note, updated IACME standards were released in 2024. The 2024 updated standards and corresponding checklist are not yet publicly available.
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In this report, The National Academy of Sciences' Committee on Identifying the Needs of the Forensic Science Community fulfills the congressional charge of providing recommendations on policy initiatives that must be adopted in any plan to improve the forensic science disciplines and to allow the forensic science community to serve...
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All Programs
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This office hours session enabled Strengthening the Medical Examiner-Coroner (ME/C) System Program grantees to engage with members from the Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA) ME/C Team and the Forensics TTA ME/C Team. During this office hours session, BJA provided ME/C Program updates, highlighted resources available to BJA Forensics Programs grantees...
This webinar highlights the Missing Migrant Program, exploring how the U.S. Border Patrol strives to prevent migrant disappearances and deaths, assists with locating missing persons and identifying human remains, and collaborates with various agencies and organizations to support investigators and provide answers to families of the missing.
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The purpose of this 60-minute webinar is to provide details and guidance for potential applicants to the Fiscal Year 2024 Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA) MUHR Program solicitation. The MUHR Program furthers the Justice Department’s mission of increasing public safety by providing resources to locate and identify missing persons and...
This webinar was tailored for professionals in wrongful conviction attorney roles and conviction integrity units. It provided a peer-to-peer overview of forensic DNA analysis, encompassing topics such as DNA biology, the forensic DNA process, considerations for case reviews, and the decision on whether to conduct new DNA testing.
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This webinar featured a brief background on the history of the United States - Mexico border, the creation of migrant policies and enforcement, the increase of migrants deaths and the challenges associated with identification, the importance of partnerships and available resources, and actual case studies from one of America’s busiest...
This webinar, presented by the Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA), features an overview of the FY2024 Competitive DNA Capacity Enhancement for Backlog Reduction (CEBR) Program solicitation. As part of this presentation, BJA discusses various elements of the solicitation, changes that have been implemented from previous iterations of the program, eligibility...
This webinar, presented by the Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA), features an overview of the FY2024 Postconviction Testing of DNA Evidence (Postconviction) Program solicitation. As part of this presentation, BJA discusses various elements of the solicitation, changes that have been implemented from previous iterations of the program, eligibility requirements, and...
This webinar, presented by the Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA), features an overview of the FY2024 Prosecuting Cold Cases Using DNA (COLD) Program solicitation. As part of this presentation, BJA discusses various elements of the solicitation, changes that have been implemented from previous iterations of the program, eligibility requirements, and...
This webinar features the Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA) providing an overview of the Strengthening the Medical Examiner-Coroner System (ME/C) Program to its FY2023 grantees. During the webinar, BJA introduces key personnel and provides relevant program updates, guidance on performance measures for the program, and information on grant requirements. ME/C...
This webinar features the Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA) providing an overview of the Missing and Unidentified Human Remains (MUHR) Program to its FY2023 grantees. During the webinar, BJA highlights key personnel, updates to the program for FY2023, specifics on program performance measures, and relevant grant requirements. Additionally, grantees are...
This webinar features the Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA) and the Forensics TTA teams welcoming FY2023 grantees of the Prosecuting Cold Cases Using DNA (COLD) Program. BJA Policy and Program staff provide a brief overview of the grant program, provide examples of allowable activities that fall within guidelines of the...
This webinar features the Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA) introducing Competitive DNA Capacity Enhancement for Backlog Reduction (CEBR) Program grantees to the overall BJA team that works collectively to administer their award funds including the BJA Policy Office and BJA Programs Office. This webinar provides useful training information on how...
FY2023 Grantee Orientation Webinar – Postconviction Testing of DNA Evidence (Postconviction) Program
This webinar features the Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA) introducing Postconviction Testing of DNA Evidence (Postconviction) Program grantees to the overall BJA team that works collectively to administer their award funds including the BJA Policy Office and BJA Programs Office. This webinar provides useful training information on how to accept...
Originally appearing in the Forensics TTA Program’s 1st Annual Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA) Forensics Programs Grantees Meeting hosted on October 2-3, 2023, this Program Specific Workshop Session features members of the BJA team providing information to DNA Capacity Enhancement for Backlog Reduction (CEBR) Program grantees regarding performance measures. During...
The Forensics Training and Technical Assistance (Forensics TTA) Team hosted a webinar on September 28 titled, Forensic Odontology and Bitemark Analysis, presented by Dr. Richard M. Scanlon, DMD.
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This presentation discusses case management in forensic science laboratories which can enhance efficiency and reduce backlogs.
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September 2022
Forensic Technology Center of Excellence,Multi-Media
In episode one of our Applications of Forensic Science for Human Identification season, Just Science sat down with Dr. Heather McKiernan, a Research Forensic Scientist at RTI International, and Ashley Rodriguez, a Research Public Health Analyst at RTI International, to discuss the use of forensic genetic genealogy in identifying human...
March 2022
Forensic Technology Center of Excellence,Multi-Media
This presentation provides information about the main life cycle of award management and award administration basics .
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March 2022
Forensic Technology Center of Excellence,Multi-Media
This presentation reviews application submission and the peer review process for competitive grant programs .
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March 2022
Forensic Technology Center of Excellence,Multi-Media
This presentation outlines over $100 million in forensic science grant opportunities funded by BJA .
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This presentation discusses advances and the logistics of transitioning from the legacy workflows of multiple serial analyses to parallel LC/MS/MS and QTOF methods. Key points include budgeting, procurement of equipment, available grant funding, validation, data systems integrations, and methods to transition to new technology .
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The purpose of this interim policy is to promote the reasoned exercise of investigative, scientific, and prosecutorial discretion in cases that involve forensic genetic genealogical DNA analysis and searching (FGGS) .
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Research coming soon.
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