Category: Metrics

ME/C Performance Metrics

Strengthening the Medical Examiner-Coroner (ME/C) System Program Fellowship/Purpose Area 1: 64 fellowships funded 49 participants completed fellowship training 11,798 deaths investigated by fellows 12,893 autopsies performed by fellows Accreditation/Purpose Area 2: 148 individuals sought certification 31 individuals achieved certification 15 organizations achieved accreditation

COLD Performance Metrics

Prosecuting Cold Cases Using DNA (COLD) Program Since 2019, COLD Program funds were used to: Upload multiple suspect profiles to Combined DNA Index System (CODIS), Integrated Automated Fingerprint Identification System (IAFIS/AFIS) Identify 94 suspects who were initially unknown Prosecute 20 cases that have resulted in convictions Identify 39 suspects via Forensic Genetic Genealogy

Postconviction Performance Metrics

Postconviction Testing of DNA Evidence (Postconviction) Program More than 55,000 new cases reviewed and more than 125,000 continuing cases reviewed with current and previous grant funding More than 740,000 hours of case review performed, representing an estimate of more than 350 work years More than 2,200 cases where DNA analysis

Coverdell Performance Metrics

Paul Coverdell Forensic Science Improvement Grants (Coverdell) Program From FY2011-FY2021 Coverdell Program funds were used to: Analyze more than 1.8 million backlogged cases resulting in more than 350 agencies decreasing their backlogged cases Support more than 19,000 forensic personnel, more than 2,000 medical examiners/coroners, and more than 40 pathologists (FY2021 only)

MUHR Performance Metrics

Missing and Unidentified Human Remains (MUHR) Program Since its inception in 2022, MUHR Program funds were used to: Make 24 identifications via Combined DNA Index System (CODIS) associations Make 13 identifications via direct DNA comparisons Make 21 identifications via other methodologies such as fingerprints Repatriate 39 cases to relatives or

CEBR Performance Metrics

DNA Capacity Enhancement for Backlog Reduction (CEBR) Program More than 1.6 million cases completed More than 3.9 million database samples completed More than 706,000 forensic (crime scene) profiles uploaded to Combined DNA Index System (CODIS) More than 3.7 million databasing profiles uploaded to CODIS More than 341,000 CODIS hits